
What is coaching?

Coaching involves partnering with clients to maximize their potential through curiosity and self-exploration. Consulting provides more direct advice and solutions.

I’ve been involved in the professional and self-development industry for over 15 years. I started my career in coaching when I was 22 years old, and it has been a privilege to work in this field. Nevertheless, I never call myself a coach. Here is why:

I am not a coach.

Or why do I hesitate to call myself a leadership coach?

I started the journey of self-development before I reached my 20s. I was always guided by the question of how to live the best life and help others do the same. It started from a place of curiosity and desire to understand more about myself. Eastern Philosophy and Yoga were the two schools of thought that enabled me to dive deeper into the understanding of what it means to live a fulfilled life. This was followed by five years of philosophy and social sciences studies at Gutenberg University, Germany.

Philosophy means love of wisdom. Philosophers seek to understand the fundamental truths about themselves, our world, and our relationships. While I am too scared to call myself a philosopher, I cherish the tools it has given me for asking questions that support a person’s problem-solving capacities. 

My love for asking questions has brought me to the fields of coaching and consulting, which are similar yet different in the essence of how I participate and interact with clients. 

As a seeker of knowledge, I can say one thing with certainty: the more I learn, the less I know. That is why I believe setting standards for providing services such as coaching and consulting is paramount. Education and exchange with peers, mentors, and industry experts keep the ego in check. Unfortunately, the term coach is being used too often and too loosely.

Trusting someone with your problems, questions, mental blocks, and other obstacles means opening up to another person and trusting that they have your best interest in mind. It is not only a vulnerable arrangement; it is a magical space in which I watch people grow and step into fulfilling roles, becoming the leaders and visionaries they are meant to be.

Which brings me back to the question:

What is coaching? 

I believe there is much confusion about what the task entails when it comes to coaching. However, this confusion is often generated by both sides: coaches who are unclear of the boundaries between coaching, consulting, providing therapy, mentoring, and offering training.

Jonathan Passmore and Tracy Sinclair provided an excellent definition of coaching that showcases the deep connection to philosophy. 

“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” 

Coaching is deeply rooted in curiosity and the ability to provide a framework that enables the coachee to explore their own problem-solving capacities. Additionally, in my opinion, the coach’s questions and framework should help the coachees connect with themselves and discover more about their abilities.

It is a beautiful and exciting process that enables people to become their best selves.

The difference between Consulting and Coaching.

Consulting, on the other hand, allows more space for the consultant to drive ideas and solutions. 

I have the privilege of doing both. Therefore, it is important to me to clarify both practices and enable my clients to decide what they seek.

My coaching sessions involve positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness practices. These tools enabled me to create the most impactful leaps in my personal and professional life, which is why I decided to create the Ziva Way Method around it and share it with a wider audience. I am the provider of space and reflection by sharing with you tools that enable you to tap into your knowledge, wisdom, and power.

As a consultant, I rely much more on my organizational and social psychology background. This is where I can provide workshops, give input, share experiences, and offer expertise and advice. 

Both processes are exhilarating, but they have different approaches. 

Example Areas in which I provide coaching in:

  • Mindset (fixed mindset to growth mindset),
  • Developing optimism
  • Overcoming feeling stuck
  • Life’s transition (changing jobs, careers, or making decisions whether you should start your own business or move into politics, etc.)
  • Searching for a sense of purpose / overcoming feeling lost
  • Lacking confidence or feeling disconnected and/or unable to perform 
  • Setting new goals and boundaries 
  • And beyond
  • Identity 

Areas I offer consulting in:

  • Leadership Effectiveness 
  • Team Building and Team Effectiveness 
  • Leadership Training
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Corporate Wellness 

Areas I offer training in: 

  • Positive Psychology at the Workplace, in Leadership and Team. 
  • Emotional Inteligence
  • Confidence and Decision-making 
  • Distributed Leadership
  • Gender and Diversity

Are you not sure what you are looking for, but do you feel like you need some support and a person on your side to help you find clarity? Well, let’s start with an hour-long session and explore together what you need to feel fulfilled again.

Book a session here.



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I'm Dr. Kinga Mnich.

Executive Coach, Social-Psychologist & Emotion Spezialist, Entrepreneur, Change Maker and your Accountability Partner

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