Why women need to step into leadership?

Women are the pillars of our communities. They show that authentic leadership is possible, but many are still afraid and

And why we need more womxn in leadership!

Amid this crisis, women have proven once again that we are the pillars of our community. We see women leading with grace and courage. Never the less many womxn still shy away from embracing leadership roles with their full potential.

Why leadership is scary?

To be a leader can be scary and sometimes even unattractive because many leaders around the world are neither authentic nor trustworthy – two essential characteristics of an effective leader. For many women being in a leadership position is undesirable. 

women in leadership

Especially, because it seems that men have reserved leadership positions for themselves. Workplace culture, as well as the system in which we are operating, are creating severe challenges for women to thrive. And be effective as a leader. Also, it is difficult for women to speak about the invisible discriminating structure that is hindering so many from changing actively the environment that we live in. Our societies are falling short because 50% of the world’s population is not an active part of creating a society and culture that benefit the entire world’s community. (I can hear already some men saying that this is not true and that I am a frustrated woman that is unable to achieve what I am thriving for and is just trying to blame someone).

On top of that, being a woman in a leadership position often encourages bullies to feel free to attack. Especially those who contribute positively to our society.

It’s time to change our understanding of leadership and support womxn in fully embracing it

But how can we form an understanding of leadership that encourages women to step up? But also be who they want to be by feeling confident enough to show their full potential?

Courage and confidence are certainly two aspects in which we can all support one another. We need to build a robust network that enables women to thrive fully – While letting go of competition as it does not come naturally to us women. Women want to learn and become better in what they do not because they want to prove that they are the best. Instead, we feel secure and accomplished when we have a positive effect on our direct surroundings.

It is logical that operating within an environment that has been created by a small group of people to benefit themselves makes it difficult for us women to contribute and lead.

women leading
women leading and changing our society

Why emotions play a significant role in making classic leadership positions unattractive to women

Another reason why so many of us don’t have the interest in moving forward into a leadership position is that our understanding and experience of emotions is far more advanced and complex than in men. Rejection and attack have more profound consequences for women than for men. We take things more personal because we have been socialized to be likable.

Understanding your emotions within the cultural context and socialization is one path to taking your power back. It gives you the ability to understand that certain feelings are just an interpretation of what we have learned within the context of our society. Creating your own rules and learning how to interpret emotions in a new framework will give you the ability to live by your standards and not by the standards of our society. 

Why women are the perfect leader and what we need to master in order to change the system!

Authentic leadership is more than ever needed, and we need more womxn to step into leadership roles. A genuine leader has integrity, is confident, accountable, has empathy, humility, resilience, and a vision. Generally, she is a positive thinker, can delegate, and communicate clearly. 

Developing resilience is a critical area that many women have to master to succeed as a leader. Also, as a leader, you need to be able to communicate and delegate clearly. While communication comes naturally to many, delegating is where women fall short. Many young women simply never learn how to ask for help. Cultural demands still make most women responsible for house chores and supporting others. Women place the needs of others before their own goals and dreams. This inversely hinders many from developing a better understanding of how to delegate. The other issue that many women still are being called names when being firm, assertive, and delegating directly.

women stepping up into their roles as leaders

Dare to lead!

It takes time to build the courage and grit to push through these uncomfortable situations. Especially if a man with authority to lead is confronting you regardless of the values, he stands for. We have all been in these situations. And I wish I could say that I have the magic solution to solve this problem for all of us. But sadly, I don’t. Though, I do know that building your confidence and learning to understand your emotions from a place of guidance and authenticity is what makes you a strong leader.

I understand that it takes work to build these additional skills. Nevertheless, I believe that the time is right to show the world how we can make it a better place by being authentic leaders. Step with me into your leadership position and be the woman that you want to be.

Join me on that mission and support the womxn around you.

Photo credit: The Huddle Retreat

PS: Looking for more inspiration and finding support in making your dream become reality?! Or would you like to get inspired by women that dared to step into authentic leadership? Check out some of my favorite women.

Meg Keene https://www.megkeene.com/ is the right person for you if you are starting your own business and need some kickass advice of how to lean into your new role and rock the world.

Liz Plank http://www.elizabethplank.com/ is full of energy and a great example of how to speak up for yourself and stand by your believes.

Priscilla R. Vega is the founder of PR Vega. YOu can find her under. https://www.instagram.com/pvega/. She is an absolute delight and a sweet powerhouse that knows how to get your story out into the world.

Or book a session with me to discuss how you can step out of your comfort and start creating positive impact.

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I'm Dr. Kinga Mnich.

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