In my previous post, I spoke about the importance of structure to create space for creativity. Today, I would like us to look at our daily lives and how we feel about them.
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But out of limitation comes creativity.
Debbie Allen
What does your day look like? Are you like most of us? Do you have a 9 to 5 job? Or are you staying at home with your children and caring for them? Or do you work on an unpredictable schedule that makes it even harder for you to find the time and energy to be creative?
A certain structure around you certainly makes it easier to form habits that help you be more creative. But before we go into the details of these possible habits, let’s talk about creativity itself. What is creativity? Is creativity art? Is art the outcome of creativity and the only way to see creativity? Art is an outcome of creativity, but it is certainly not the only way a human can be creative and show creativity. Also, art can be many things: parenting can be a form of art. Gardening can be art. Anything that you like to be art can be art. A blank page can be art in itself. So, what then defines the act of creativity?
Creativity is the healthy flow of ideas, concepts, and solutions.
Each of us is creative and curious by nature. Children explore the world through the eyes of curiosity. Our creativity lets us look at unknown objects from different perspectives. It lets us move our body around an object of interest and helps us to form ideas and an understanding of whatever we are exploring. With age and socialization, cultural rules, values, duties, upbringing, and the feeling of shame, we become less creative. We don’t allow ourselves to explore, be silly, or go with the flow and be. We are constraining our needs, wishes, and dreams. Sometimes, we are just postponing them, structuring our lives with “to-do lists” and “goal lists” to achieve what we are meant to believe are milestones in our lives. As a result, we experience a feeling of unhappiness and frustration.
However, we still guide our thoughts and feelings towards the lists. We believe that achieving each milestone gives us a feeling of fulfillment and joy even when it doesn’t. This silences the voice within us that wants to dance on the street while walking the dog, the voice that just wants to sing in the supermarket after a long day at work, the voice that just wants to be silly and walk out the door with crazy hair. This silences our creativity: our source of life and joy, the source of curiosity.

Readjust to unlock the creative within
You might ask yourself now, wait a moment. Didn’t she say last time that we need a structure to become more creative? Yes, but what I mean by “structure” is not the boundaries that we have built to lock ourselves into societal and cultural norms of routine. I am talking about a healthy routine that helps you to get enough sleep, eat healthily, and create enough time for the things that are truly important in your life.
So, maybe you are getting up every morning at the same time, drinking a cup of tea or coffee, taking a shower, walking the dog, and going to work, then having lunch, continuing to work, driving home, walking the dog, cooking dinner, working out, reading something, and going to bed. If this sounds like you, then you have a structure. You might not be happy with it at this point. Still, this is a good starting point. You have a regular daily flow that can be adjusted or needs a change of perspective to help you find more creativity again.
The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Creativity is always with you. It is actually within you. You are creative. Your body, mind, and soul were created. Frankly speaking, the word creativity adheres to the word creation, and you have been created. So, everything that you do is creative. You need to become aware of it and embrace it as such. Permit yourself to live it out and to feel it. Life is not dull; it just feels dull when we suppress our inner child. The child who hasn’t forgotten where she comes from and humbly appreciates the gift she has been given—the gift of creativity.
We can live creatively daily, allowing ourselves to give space to creative ideas. So, next time when you feel like celebrating by dancing in the rain, feel free to do so, and don’t think about your neighbors. Even better, invite everyone who looks at you to your creative celebration. Feel free to sing out loud when you walk your dog. Bake a colorful cake and slowly explore the energy.
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