
The Mental Health Secret of High Achievers

The Mental Health Secret of High Achievers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11BFOXSJJUQ?? Welcome to Your Pocket Coach Newsletter for Leaders and people with high-aspirations,

The Mental Health Secret of High Achievers

🌱🧠 Welcome to Your Pocket Coach Newsletter for Leaders and people with high-aspirations, a bi-weekly newsletter that helps ambitious people lead their lives and careers intentionally with confidence and energy. Has someone forwarded you this? Subscribe here so you don’t miss the next one.
Today we are going to talk about:
  • The Importance of Mental Health for High Achievers 
  • 2 Exercises
  • 3 Self-Development Recommendations
Dear curious mind,
When the stakes are high -especially when our well-being, health, and physical health are at stake-, it is essential to listen to your intuition. I remember watching an Ironman in South Africa collapse on the side of the road and unfortunately die a few hours later in the hospital because of a hole in his heart. He overtrained and didn’t give his body the rest it needed. More so, he didn’t listen to the warning signs.
For high achievers, the ultimate goals are pushing boundaries, dismantling ideas of what is possible, and making the impossible happen. Training the body and mind, developing relentless grit and ambition, and focusing with all one’s energy on one task are common characteristics of people like Simone Bile, Jolanda Neff, Sara Blakely, Jacinda Ardern, the Obamas, and many other impactful leaders.
As a society, we need people who inspire us and show us that it is possible to grow, do more, become a different person, and break through against all odds. But we don’t want to see them step down or fall apart because it makes them too human. It is the controversy of wanting to be inspired and believing that humans can do the impossible while we continue to believe that it takes something special to be extraordinary.
Controversy No. 1: Humans can do anything they set their minds to. Though, it takes a special person to achieve the impossible. 
Now, the next thing that sets in is perfectionism—setting unattainable standards and using these as a measure. When Simone Biles stood up for her mental health in 2020, it was not just a way of setting boundaries, taking care of her mental health, and ensuring that she didn’t jeopardize her well-being. It was also the beginning of a much-needed public conversation, which took many different turns.
Perfectionism prevents you from achieving your goals and is also used too often to judge others, which is why Biles wasn’t immediately celebrated for her brave decision not to participate in the 2020 Olympics.
Controversy No. 2: High achievers are role models, but only as long as they achieve the extraordinary. 
Biles showed that making a concise decision based on more than logical thinking is possible, no matter your situation. And look where it has brought her—three Gold Medals in 2024 (just saying). 
Logically, decisions such as these might not make sense, neither emotionally. However, when you consider the level of motivation, intuition, creative thinking, and physical experience of your body, you realize that this person isn’t just an incredible athlete. She is an integrated human who has mastered understanding all levels of herself. She is not only in tune with her body but also her mental and emotional capacities. It takes self-awareness, presence, and integrity to reach this high achievement level.
But instead, many labeled her as weak and “taking a break” as inexcusable rather than understanding that creating space for personal growth and mental health is not a sign of weakness but of strength.
Controversy No. 3 – Personal development is essential for mental health, but taking a break is embarrassing and a sign of weakness. 
When high achievers consistently push their limits without taking time to rest, reflect, or prioritize their mental well-being, the risks of burnout, emotional fatigue, and poor decision-making increase dramatically. In today’s fast-paced world, many leaders, innovators, and change-makers pride themselves on their ability to ‘power through’ challenges without acknowledging the emotional toll it takes. Yet, neglecting mental health can lead to costly mistakes, whether it’s strained relationships, missed opportunities, or even physical health issues. Ever been here before?
Taking a step back to reset and prioritize mental health is not a sign of weakness but a crucial skill for making sound, long-term decisions. High achievers like Simone Biles show us that personal boundaries and mental health maintenance are essential to sustained success—not just an afterthought.
On Mental Health Day, it’s important to remember that mental health should always be a priority, not just when it becomes a crisis. Similar to other health issues, prevention is crucial. Despite progress in raising awareness and promoting acceptance of the importance of creating supportive environments for mental health, many mental illnesses still face stigma and prejudice.
Being in touch with your emotions and increasing emotional awareness and intelligence is an effective way to improve your mental health.

Practical Self-Development Tools

Exercise 1: The Intuition Check-In
This exercise helps you strengthen your connection with your body and intuition, which is key for high-achievers like you who like to push boundaries. It allows you to assess when it’s time to step back, set boundaries and when it is time for you to push forward again.
  1. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down comfortably. (Yes, you are reading this again. Creating space and time is essential for your ability to take a step on the self-development journey.).
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your inhalation and exhalation. Bring your awareness to your chest and ribcage. Feel your intercostal muscles moving. Let your body fully relax.
  3. Scan your body from head to toe. Start with your head and slowly move downward, paying attention to any areas of tension, discomfort, or tightness. Don’t try to change anything—just notice.
  4. Ask yourself: “What is my body trying to tell me right now?” Sit with the question and notice any feelings, thoughts, or sensations that come up.
  5. Reflect on your recent actions: Have you been overworking, ignoring signs of burnout, or feeling unmotivated? Write down any thoughts or emotions that arise.
  6. Make a small adjustment: Based on what your body is telling you, choose one small action to adjust your routine or rest. For example, if you feel tired, schedule a break or reduce your workload for the next day.

This exercise trains you to listen to your body’s signals and make adjustments before you reach burnout. It is simple and can be done anywhere.

Exercise 2: Boundaries Visualization
This exercise is designed to help you set healthy boundaries without feeling guilty. Visualizing boundaries enables you to know when to protect your time and energy.
  1. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Let your body relax.
  2. Visualize a situation where you typically feel drained or overwhelmed (e.g., working late, attending too many meetings, or saying “yes” to too many requests).
  3. Imagine a bubble of energy around you. This bubble represents your personal space, time, and energy. It’s strong but flexible.
  4. See yourself setting a boundary: In your mind, visualize yourself kindly but firmly saying “no” to a request that overextends you. Notice how this feels. Does your bubble of energy grow stronger or weaker when you say “no”?
  5. Repeat with other scenarios: Think of other moments when you tend to overcommit. Visualize yourself protecting your bubble by saying “no” or taking time for self-care.
  6. Write down the boundaries you need to set: After your visualization, jot down at least one specific boundary you will implement this week.

This exercise reinforces the idea that saying “no” strengthens your capacity to thrive and achieve your goals without burning out.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

3. Additional Resources:


Podcast Suggestion

why listen?

Comedian Paul Gilmartin hosts a weekly podcast featuring interviews with artists, friends and experts, focusing on mental health issues like depression and addiction, particularly in the creative arts. His goal is to provide a supportive space for listeners to connect, share, and find hope, while emphasizing the importance of reaching out for help when needed.


Talk Suggestion

tedx talk

How important is mental health at your workplace? 


Bi-Weekly Book Recommendation

Bi-weekly book recommendation

Maybe You Should Talk To Someone: A therapist, HER Therapist, and our lives revealed

I hope you find this newsletter helpful. Please let me know what topics you would like to learn more about by simply responding to this email. 

Thanks for your support! 

PS: Join me live November 7th at 12 PM EST for an online hands-on workshop on Confident Leadership. Sign Up Here.

I just have to say—

No matter how you got here, thank you so much for sticking around and joining the journey. I hope very much to see more of you in the next months and years. 

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I'm Dr. Kinga Mnich.

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