
Speak Up and Stand Out: Empowering Your Leadership Voice

Speak Up and Stand Out– Empowering Your Leadership Voice! Dear Reader, as promised, here is the second ‘Social Psychology for

Speak Up and Stand Out–

Empowering Your Leadership Voice!

Dear Reader,
as promised, here is the second ‘Social Psychology for Leaders and Newsletter.’
If your are new here, this newsletter is for readers, high performers, entrepreneurs, and individuals with aspirations who aim to lead intentionally with confidence and energy.
Topics include leadership, mindset, positive psychology, neuroscience, self-development journey, and in-depth exploration of the science behind flourishing high-performers.
Today, I want to discuss with you how to navigate the complexities of communication, in professional settings, especially for women and minorities.
I transitioned from being a fearless and outspoken young woman to someone who silenced herself in professional settings, believing my outspoken nature was the reason I wasn’t receiving opportunities. In my twenties, I confidently expressed my opinions until a mentor told me to tone down my emotions and outspokenness. Years later, as a board member, I found myself speaking less in group settings, confining my ideas to one-on-one conversations. When another board member criticized my silence, I realized I couldn’t get it right no matter what. So why not be simply myself? Because it isn’t that simple.
Balancing self-expression with societal expectations is a challenge for many. It requires self-awareness and the ability to maintain integrity while navigating difficult situations. Here are some strategies to communicate more effectively: 
Strategy No. 1
Non-verbal communication and body language.
Did you know that body language can have between 65 to 93% more impact than the spoken word? 
  1. How you present yourself matters: We communicate our emotions through our non-verbal communication and showcase our confidence through the way we present ourselves. The 3rd pillar of confidence is attitude – meaning the way you present yourself and how you take up space in a room.
  2. Trust and Connection through non-verbal communication: Non-verbal communication can significantly enhance your ability to connect with others and convey your message effectively:
  • Start by becoming more aware of your body language, facial expressions, and eye contact, ensuring they align with your words.
  • Practice observing others and seeking feedback to refine your skills.

Remember, consistency and empathy are key—ensure your non-verbal cues reflect your genuine emotions and respect others’ personal space. By focusing on these elements, you can communicate more confidently and authentically, making your interactions more meaningful and impactful.
You can read the full blog post here.

Strategy No. 2

Here is a proven method to help you overcome adversity at work.

Thought Recording (a Cognitive Behavioral Technique):

Thought recording can help you identify and challenge negative thought patterns. This technique involves recording and analyzing negative thoughts to identify cognitive distortions or thinking errors and negative self-talk. By challenging these distortions and replacing them with more positive and accurate thoughts, you can improve your confidence and mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance your overall well-being. 

Additional Resources:


The elevated communicator

Book Recommendation

The Elevated Communicator

How To Master Your Style and Strengthen Well-Being At Work


Podcast Episode

On Air with Ella

What Can We Learn From Men In Order To Further Empower Women? Ft. Dr. Kinga Mnich 

Self-Development Tool:


Self-development tool

Discover Your Communication Style Research-based  Free Communication Style Assessment

I am still tweaking the recipe for this newsletter. If there is anything that you would like me to talk about, please let me know. And of course, if you have any questions or are looking for additional information, please let me know, and if I can, I will gladly guide you in the right direction.

Thanks for your support!

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I'm Dr. Kinga Mnich.

Executive Coach, Social-Psychologist & Emotion Spezialist, Entrepreneur, Change Maker and your Accountability Partner

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